Tuesday 21 July 2009

More Radio stuff

Its been a busy week for me sorting out website reviews as well as putting some stuff together for my production library and making up a few demos as well as doing a bit of taxi driving. This blog seems to be attarcting the attention of lots of people who are interested in my website review of the day and just a reminder that this is also open to other radio stations. If you are a radio presenter and looking for a website review of the day then please feel free to use any that are posted on this blog.

As for other radio stuff, I have not been doing much in the way of presenting but have been involved in a bit of background work producing sweepers and idents for a few stations. The other thing I have been doing is trying to keep up with the live music scene so if you are a musicianm and yopu have a gig in Cumbria then please email me and let me know and we can get it promoted here for you. Best of all , its all FREE of charge and lots of people read this blog.

I still have some airchecks and snippets from my shows on various radio stations and will eventually get round to uploaidng them onto my youtube site.

If you want to see videos of guests in the studio with me then check out www.youtube.com/billclarkontheradio

Below is a short video demo I`ve done.

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