Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas acoustic

A Christmas acoustic session on the radio tonight follows an hour of cool acoustic chill out tunes

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Lonely This Christmas

Christmas is a lonely time for a lot of people and if you are going to be alone this Christmas then there are voluntary organisations who's services will be available to you over the festive period.

In the run up to Christmas its always a demanding stressful time, especially if you are alone but hopefully we can help you get through Christmas and New Year

Christmas Days night from 10pm I will be talking about various organisations that can help you as well as chatting live to the Samaritans in Barrow in Furness and putting you in touch with people that can be there for you at Christmas.

Telephone numbers of organisations that maybe able to help over the festive period and these are listed below:-

* Samaritans can be found at , The local branch is at 16 Hartington Street in Barrow and can be contacted 24 hrs a day on 01229 825656

* Mind In Furness is there for any mental health and care in the community issues. The Barrow Branch is in School Street and can be contacted nationally on 0845 766 0163. Their website is at

* Furness Carers association is available for anyone who cares for someone else and they can be contacted on the web at or by telephone Barrow 822822

* Animal concerns should be directed at the RSPCA and they can be found by telephoning 0870 5555 999 or on the web at

* If you are homeless or worried about it and need support then you need Barrow Homeless Support centre located at 27 Bath Street Barrow. Telephone 821134

* SAFE stands for Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) and is available to anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence. They will help you out in a number of ways and they can be contacted directly on Barrow 838746 and are committed to tackling issues of violence and also offer practical support for those in an abusive relationship as well as providing a service for children.

* Victim Support provides services to Furness residents and you can find out more about them at or by telephoning the local office on Barrow 839989

* Age Corncern is there for helping the elderly and inirm. They are based at Lakeland House on Abbey Rd in Barrow and they can be contacted on Barrow 831425 or email No matter what the issue is then Age Concern are there to help you, It could be anything from dealing with pensions and allowances to help with keeping warm and there are a number of things you can do to keep you and your home warmer this winter.

* Wear thin layers of clothes rather than one thick layer
* Choose clothes made with wool, cotton, or fleecy synthetic materials
* Don’t stay sitting still for long periods
* Spread chores through day and alternate between rest and activities
* Get a flu jab
* Eat at least one hot meal a day
* Sip hot drinks regularly throughout day and before bedtime
* Keep a flask of hot drink by your bed should you wake up feeling cold
* Stock up on provisions in case it is too cold to go to the shops

* If you are using an electric blanket make sure you have it checked by a safety expert at least every three years. Age Concern are offering free electric blanket testing in selected areas across the UK.

For more information and help please visit and download the factsheet which will tell you about:

* Reducing heating expenses
* Warm Front Grants
* Cold Weather Payments
* Winter Fuel Payments

If anyone reading this knows of any other organisations then please feel free to click on the comments link and leave details there

Monday 19 December 2011

Christmas Special

I have been in touch with various organisations that are available to help anyone who is lonely or feeling depressed or just can't cope at Christmas. Join me for a Christmas special where we will be putting you in touch with various organisations. Find out more on the website at and join me on Friday 23rd December - 5-6pm and the show will be repeated in case you miss it on Saturday 24th December - 6-7pm and Christmas Day - 4-5pm

Saturday 10 December 2011

Xmas Acoustic

An hour of Christmas songs performned acoustically on Radio Furness is happening soon. Go to the website and keep watching the schedule for more updates