Thursday, 10 April 2008

Booking a Taxicab to go to the Airport [Wind-up]

Thursday Night on the show I had the urge to make a phone call and so I rang A1 Taxis in Barrow and tried to order a nine seater taxi to take me to the airport. The result can be DOWNLOADED HERE.

If you know of anyone that would like a wind up then get in touch with me by email to bill @

From time to time I suddenly get the urge to ring somebody up and wind them up. Its usually unplanned but I do say that if anyone emails me asking me to wind someone up then I will do it.

The problem is that most people email me and ask me to wind someone up and thats it. No information, nothing to go on so I cant do it and those emails go ignored due to the vast amount of mail I get each day.

However, if you would like me to wind someone up then I need you to supply me with as much information about them that you can including what you want me to do to wind them up. The more info you provide then the more convincing it will be and a good chance it would get on the radio on the late show.

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